Monday, May 18, 2015

no need for weak knees

Marathon turned into "why-cant-I-a-thon". Found out that I'm just a bit too weak in the knees to continue the charade, as it applies to my physical, mental and spiritual shape. Drive and ambition have led me to a place where I can no longer see my own image.   How cliche.

Yes, you can push yourself too hard. Just as weak knees bow to strained tendons, spirit bows to stress. And even if you push through the sore muscles, you cannot push through injury. I am injured and need to heal. This physical journey has given me more than a physical change. It has brought me, not closer to my spirit, but closer to the understanding of just how injured my spirit is.

For too long, I sat ready, willing, yet unable. For too long, I waited. My body now injures easily. But it is my spirit that took the brunt of my actions. And it is the spirit that takes longer to heal.

There is no need for week knees.

(PS... I'm fine.. I wrote this years ago)Copyright 2002 Yvonne Ramage


  1. Glad to hear that you are fine now.

    1. Yes... I wrote this years ago and scheduled a bunch of posts for each monday morning for the next month or so. This was today's post. I didn't want to alarm anyone with this, so I added the comment to the end.
