Friday, October 31, 2008

People come to Vegas to hide

That’s right. I said it. It’s out. People come to Vegas to hide, doesn’t matter whether what we are hiding from is real or imaginary. We are all hiding from something.

Hiding from Real means you made a mistake somewhere along your life path. And someone, some corporation or some agency is trying to find you. This can range from “bad credit” , up to and as gruesome as “charged with thirty two counts of felony and on-the-run”. Real. Involving real people, real problems, real reality TV shit.

On the other side, there are the imaginary things we hide from. Imaginary things are much much harder to hide from than real things. They are the self-imposed fears, jealousy, biases, ignorance and close mindedness. It’s hard to hide from those. Because they are with you every moment of every day, living in a land called Morals, deep in the bowels of your soul. And it took me coming to Vegas, through all the highs and lows I have experienced here, to understand the difference. Because everything in Vegas is imaginary.

Easy to get lost here.