Monday, May 25, 2015

learning to stand upright

Assuming the Theory of Evolution exists, and following all the postulates and rules within, one could come to an understanding that humans are a descendant of single cell water creatures.

Starting out as the simplest of forms, we evolved to become the upright land creatures of today. Intelligence has increased in direct proportion to brain size. Humankind is considered, by humans, to be the most evolved creatures on the planet earth. 

But I think we aren't as evolved as we think we are. In fact, I don't even consider us as "upright", rather more slouched over and bending. Our eyes are to the ground, hoping for the sky.  We are in our minds rather than in that present time.

Our shoulders are getting stronger from baring such a heavy load. Our brows, over-sized and furrowed from grimacing through the pain. "It doesn't hurt.... that bad," we say to ourselves. 

As we become more top heavy, our backs begin to weaken and bend, like a willow tree burdened after a heavy snow.
And from a different perspective, one may be able to see their invisible burden keeping them brow-beaten all these years.

Stand upright. Stand Up RIGHT!

And the view will be different. 
People will change.   
Each moment moves from this to the next. 
There is always a next. 
The next is defined by the intent with which it is born. 
The intent is now. 
You choose your intent. 
Tomorrow is my choice. 
I choose to evolve. 

Copyright 2002 Yvonne Ramage

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