Saturday, December 20, 2014

THAT kind of day

I plopped on the sofa, feet aiming for the ottoman, arms out to my side, and feeling utterly depleted. It was one of the hardest days I have ever had.

It wasn’t that "hard" kind of day, where you work your butt off, busy as hell, appointment after appointment, then ending it with some sort of accomplishment. "Long day at work, but got the proposal in by the deadline." Or one of those days where you stand exhausted, but proud of yourself. Proud of who you are, how you handled yourself, feeling satiated and gratified.
Today was not that kind of day.

Today was the kind of day that starts off on the wrong foot. You trip slightly in the front lawn, leaving for work in the morning.   Before you stabilize, a wind comes and blows you off guard. Toppling slightly left, hopping on one foot, trying to quickly get the other foot beneath you. Then a gust comes and drops you to the ground like a wet towel.

You manage to get up, but now it's blowing you backwards; you struggle to lean into it. You try to walk forward, knowing and feeling that it is a futile attempt.
Then the rain starts, making the footing slippery. Yep, it's wet now. Shuffle the feet, stable, thinking REALLY STURDY thoughts. You start saying affirmations to yourself. "I am good. I am able. I am strong.  I am because I am." Over and over you chant, each statement becoming more like a plea. "PLEASE GOD, PLEASE HELP. I CAN NO LONGER DO THIS MYSELF."

Yeah.... that kind of day.

And as I was sitting on the sofa, recapping the events of the day in my mind, I was in 
complete wonder. ”How is it that I made it through this day? Why was this day SO bad?”

And then I heard her. She was gently and matter-of-fact-ly saying,"To point the way, by contrast. Someone you met, at some time today,will help you on your way.Who do you want to align with?"

Copyright 2014 Yvonne Ramage. 


  1. I agree. Contrast helps define, and when put in the right perspective, even THAT kind of day serves a purpose.

    1. It is exactly this sentiment that gets me through even the roughest days. Blessed to have been given the choice in my thoughts and beliefs.
