What was once wisdom is now just a lack of questioning.
It's that dull, to and fro motion,
like the sound of an echo bouncing off the walls of a canyon at 5 am.
That's before the lofty falcon has risen from his perch.
so listen.
To the good morning call of the canyon wren.
Ah........., this moment is
a once in a lifetime event.
a once in a lifetime event.
And I've had a lot of these, each day of time and space
Between the dimension of the strings
One line to the next
Plane upon plane upon plane upon plane
Of lives, that could be the same.
But they are not.
And I trust that each line brings a slightly different listening
to the beautiful moment where
stillness of the water
couples the meeting of the sun
against the ages of time.
Periods of history
illuminated for all that care to listen.
so listen.
Song continues as such:
Step inside my mind, step inside my head
We don't know, so we guess instead
Does it always, happen this way
You can be my muse, or my valentine
Where I'll have your heart, and you will have mine
Does it always, happen this way
Does it always, come apart at the seams
Does it seem, to come together
Just when we start listening
Step inside my heart,
Step inside my brain
Where the same things are different
Yet everything has changed.
so listen. just listen.
2002 Yvonne Ramage
There once was a man who was successful in all things
he had a beautiful family, a loving wife and a great career.
But still he was not happy.
"I must know Truth," he said to his wife.
"Well then, you must search for her." she replied
So he put all his earthly, worldly goods in his wife's name
She being very adamant on that point.
and he went out on the road a beggar for truth.
He searched in the hills and the deep dark valleys
and in the small villages and the big city
into the forest and along the great wide sea
he searched through all the wastelands and the flowered meadows of beauty
and one day, high in a mountain cave ... he found her
(song chorus:
stop don't ask me I don't know what the answer is. Stop.
stop don't ask me I don't know what the answer is. Stop.
the truth... it's inside of you
the truth... it's inside of you)
Now Truth was a wizened old woman,
with but a single tooth left in her head.
and her hair hung down on her shoulders in lank greasy strands.
Her skin was dry as parchment, stretched over prominent bone.
And when she signaled to him, her hand was crabbed with age.
Her voice was low and lyrical and pure.
And it was then that he was sure, that he had found truth.
(song chorus:
stop don't ask me I don't know what the answer is. Stop.
stop don't ask me I don't know what the answer is. Stop.
the truth... it's inside of you
the truth... it's inside of you)
He stayed with Truth a year and a day, learning all that she had to teach.
And when his year and a day were up, he stood at the mouth of the cave, ready to leave.
He said, "My lady Truth, you have taught me so much. You have given me gifts that even I cannot tough."
But it is time for me to go back to my friends and family
and show them what I have done.
But before I go, i would like to do something for you,
in gratitude, for all that you have given me.
Is there anything you wish.
Now Truth put her head to one side and considered.
Then she raised and ancient finger,
and she said, "Yes."
"Yes, there is something you can do for me. When you go back to your friends and family.. when you show that what you have done. Will you please, please tell them that i am... beautiful and young."