I've been a struggling musician for years now. Not quite
sure where to go next. So I step to the left. No viewable progress. I step
right. Again, no progress. A little.... but not enough. Definitely, not enough.
Then one fine day I realized, as I watched football fans "boooo" their quarterback after a couple of bad games. He entered the stadium, and booooo's ensued. He shook his head, looking down, pulling his chin deep into his chest.
Then one fine day I realized, as I watched football fans "boooo" their quarterback after a couple of bad games. He entered the stadium, and booooo's ensued. He shook his head, looking down, pulling his chin deep into his chest.
And I ask myself, “How does he do it? How does he walk onto
the field and give it his all for these people, the very ones that boo him?”
Now THAT is courage.
How awful it must feel to have your own team "boo" you. And as I applied that feeling to my life, I realized, "At least my fans don't boo me. Maybe it is enough.”
How awful it must feel to have your own team "boo" you. And as I applied that feeling to my life, I realized, "At least my fans don't boo me. Maybe it is enough.”