Tuesday, December 23, 2008

More than ever

Now, more than ever, is the time for a positive attitude.

Exhaustion in their eyes

Walking down the streets,
looking left and right,
I see the exhaustion
in everybody's eyes.

Green with hope.
Blue with enthusiasm.
Brown from swallowing so much of our leader's crap.

Fed up. Fed up with a system that BANKS on societal idealism. Our system runs on the balance that people will do what is best for the group, before they do what is best for themselves. This idea in itself is not corrupt or incorrect. I believe it to the very CORE. But we went wrong when we allowed politicians and their consitutants to willy-nilly define the group.

Capitalism breeds money.
Money breeds greed.
Greed breeds isolation.
Isolation breeds smaller defined groups.
Smaller groups means less to "take care of".
Less to "take care of" means more for yourself.
More for yourself breeds Winter08
WAKE UP! BROADEN your world.
GAIN a larger perspective.

"No society can surely be flourishing and happy when the greater part of the members are poor and miserable." John Adams 1723

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Best Throw-back Lines

Here are a few of my "Throw-Back Lines".   It's called the throw-back line, because it is delivered moments after a strange man tries to pick you up.   One could say the opposite of a "Pick-Up Line", Best if smoothly delivered with a blend of quirky.

"honey. I've ditched far better men than you"

"You've got that super charming quality. And this quality, which would normally be considered "cute" to most women, is simply unattractive to me."